Transparentにシュールで小気味良い笑いを後から誘う(私の意見です)小説家のモリヤマ タカイチさんの小説が電子書籍で発売されるんですよ!
2012年4月30日 BookWayより
是非是非ダウンロードをlet's click!
photo:my new office...all my friends are welcome to visit me xx
Hello Hello
oh my...spring has come...
if you can read Japanese, here is a great short story I can strongly recommend!
so interesting it's worth reading!
the novelist wrote a story for Transparent05 too.
check it on BookWay! and let's click "download"
the title is" TOMARIGI".
I wish they will translate it to English!
oh my...spring has come...
if you can read Japanese, here is a great short story I can strongly recommend!
so interesting it's worth reading!
the novelist wrote a story for Transparent05 too.
check it on BookWay! and let's click "download"
the title is" TOMARIGI".
I wish they will translate it to English!